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Lean Mobile App Development

By : Mike van Drongelen, Aravind Krishnaswamy
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Lean Mobile App Development

By: Mike van Drongelen, Aravind Krishnaswamy

Overview of this book

Lean is the ultimate methodology for creating a startup that succeeds. Sounds great from a theoretical point of view, but what does that mean for you as an a technical co-founder or mobile developer? By applying the Lean Start-up methodology to your mobile App development, it will become so much easier to build apps that take Google Play or the App Store by storm. This book shows you how to bring together smarter business processes with technical know-how. It makes no sense to develop a brilliant app for six months or longer only to find out later that nobody is interested in it. Build a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) first. Validate your hypotheses early and often. Discover effective product development strategies that let you put Facebook's famous axiom "move fast and break things" into practice. A great app without visibility and marketing clout is nothing, so use this book to market your app, making use of effective metrics that help you track and iterate all aspects of project performance.
Table of Contents (22 chapters)

See how in-app purchases can be implemented

Since in-app purchases (iOS) often show higher conversions than those for in-app billing (Android), we will have a look at in-app purchases, in particular, using the case of the Empurror app.

The case of the Empurror

The Empurror is a little SpriteKit game for iOS that I have worked on previously. It is a very simple game about a cat (the Empurror) and many kittens, jumping off a roof. In this game, our hero (the player) needs to catch them all in order to succeed:

The game comes with three in-app purchases, all donations, not adding any special features to the game, other than a view of the Empurror saying thank you. Oh yeah, and you can rub his belly to make him purr.
