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Rust Web Programming - Second Edition

By : Maxwell Flitton
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Rust Web Programming - Second Edition

By: Maxwell Flitton

Overview of this book

Are safety and high performance a big concern for you while developing web applications? With this practical Rust book, you’ll discover how you can implement Rust on the web to achieve the desired performance and security as you learn techniques and tooling to build fully operational web apps. In this second edition, you’ll get hands-on with implementing emerging Rust web frameworks, including Actix, Rocket, and Hyper. It also features HTTPS configuration on AWS when deploying a web application and introduces you to Terraform for automating the building of web infrastructure on AWS. What’s more, this edition also covers advanced async topics. Built on the Tokio async runtime, this explores TCP and framing, implementing async systems with the actor framework, and queuing tasks on Redis to be consumed by a number of worker nodes. Finally, you’ll go over best practices for packaging Rust servers in distroless Rust Docker images with database drivers, so your servers are a total size of 50Mb each. By the end of this book, you’ll have confidence in your skills to build robust, functional, and scalable web applications from scratch.
Table of Contents (27 chapters)
Free Chapter
Part 1:Getting Started with Rust Web Development
Part 2:Processing Data and Managing Displays
Part 3:Data Persistence
Part 4:Testing and Deployment
Part 5:Making Our Projects Flexible
Part 6:Exploring Protocol Programming and Async Concepts with Low-Level Network Applications


In this chapter, we built an application that could be run as either a worker or a server. We then built structs that could be serialized and inserted into a Redis queue. This allowed our workers to consume these tasks and then process them in their own time. You now have the power to build systems that process long tasks without having to hold up the HTTP server. The mechanism of serializing Rust structs and inserting them into Redis does not just stop at processing large tasks. We could serialize Rust structs and send them over pub/sub channels in Redis to other Rust servers, essentially creating an actor model approach on a bigger scale. With our distroless images, these Rust servers are only roughly the size of 50 MB, making this concept scalable. We also explored applying raw commands to Redis, which gives you the freedom and confidence to fully embrace what Redis has to offer. A high-level list of all the commands you can do to Redis is given in the Further reading section...