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Haxe Game Development Essentials

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Haxe Game Development Essentials

Overview of this book

Haxe is a powerful and high-level multi-platform language that's incredibly easy to learn. Used by thousands of developers and many high-profile companies, Haxe is quickly emerging as a forerunner in the area of cross-platform programming. OpenFL builds on top of Haxe to make developing for multiple platforms quick and painless. HaxeFlixel provides you with the tools you need to build amazing 2D games easier than ever before. Cross-platform development has been supercharged using the Haxe programming language, making it increasingly easy and hassle-free to develop multi-platform games. If you've programmed games before and want to learn out how to deliver games across multiple platforms, or develop games faster, then Haxe Game Development Essentials is the book for you. It starts by showing you how to set up your development environment, then running you through some Haxe language fundamentals, and finally taking you through the process of programming a game from start to finish. You will learn how to create a side scrolling shooter game using HaxeFlixel. Next you will learn to enhance the game with new gameplay features, user interfaces, animations, sound, and configuration files to make your game expandable. Once your game is built and ready, you will learn how to deploy it to web, Android, iOS, and desktop systems. By the end of this book, you will be confident about creating multi-platform games using Haxe, OpenFL, and HaxeFlixel in a faster and easier way.
Table of Contents (16 chapters)
Haxe Game Development Essentials
About the Author
About the Reviewers

Updating the level end screen

Now that we've built the splash screen, we're going to build on what we know and make the level end screen more interesting:

  • We're going to add art to the screen so that it looks nicer

  • Then, we're going to use a button to reset the level instead of clicking anywhere

  • After that, we're going to keep track of high scores to give players a goal while playing

  • Finally, we're going to make another animated sequence, as we did on the splash screen

Adding imports

To start, open LevelEndScreen.hx and add the following imports:

import AssetPaths;
import Reg;

import flixel.ui.FlxButton;
import flixel.effects.FlxFlicker;
import flixel.tweens.FlxTween;
import flixel.tweens.FlxEase;

Adding variables

Next, in the variables section, add these new FlxSprite variables:

private var windowHeader:FlxSprite;
private var newBestScore:FlxSprite;
private var window:FlxSprite;

The windowHeader sprite is the header of the window we'll add to the screen. It will fly...