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High-Performance Programming in C# and .NET

By : Jason Alls
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High-Performance Programming in C# and .NET

By: Jason Alls

Overview of this book

Writing high-performance code while building an application is crucial, and over the years, Microsoft has focused on delivering various performance-related improvements within the .NET ecosystem. This book will help you understand the aspects involved in designing responsive, resilient, and high-performance applications with the new version of C# and .NET. You will start by understanding the foundation of high-performance code and the latest performance-related improvements in C# 10.0 and .NET 6. Next, you’ll learn how to use tracing and diagnostics to track down performance issues and the cause of memory leaks. The chapters that follow then show you how to enhance the performance of your networked applications and various ways to improve directory tasks, file tasks, and more. Later, you’ll go on to improve data querying performance and write responsive user interfaces. You’ll also discover how you can use cloud providers such as Microsoft Azure to build scalable distributed solutions. Finally, you’ll explore various ways to process code synchronously, asynchronously, and in parallel to reduce the time it takes to process a series of tasks. By the end of this C# programming book, you’ll have the confidence you need to build highly resilient, high-performance applications that meet your customer's demands.
Table of Contents (22 chapters)
Part 1: High-Performance Code Foundation
Part 2: Writing High-Performance Code
Part 3: Threading and Concurrency

Thread synchronization and locking

When using multiple threads in an application, you have to consider thread synchronization and locking. If you don’t, you can end up with race conditions and deadlocks. There are several ways to synchronize threads. You can use interlocked methods and synchronization objects, such as Monitor, Semaphore, and ManualResetEvent.


In Chapter 8, Threading and Concurrency, in the Clean Code in C# book, we provide a detailed discussion on threads covering using threads, thread safety, parallel threads using semaphores, thread synchronization and preventing deadlocks, and race conditions.

To synchronize your code, you can use a lock object as follows:

internal class LockMutexExample
public object _lockObject = new();
public void UsingLockObject()
// Perform your unsafe code here.

When the locked code is entered, all of the other threads are barred from accessing the locked...