Tips and tricks that will be handy while configuring the submodule
We will learn the configuration steps for the PA mandatory infotypes. The first thing that is required is customizing of a number range. It's an eight-digit numeric code and is created by navigating to SPRO | Personnel Management | Personnel Administration | Basic Settings or directly via the PA04
Recommendation on number range assignment
We will now see the recommendation on number assignment. The following key ideas need to be adhered to:
During the hiring process, if the system generates an employee number, then it is called "internal number assignment". This method is recommended as part of the SAP implementation when a company wants to have uniformity of number assignment with more digits.
A company has a number of third-party systems where employee numbers are maintained and used in lot of interfaced programs. In such cases, it is important and necessary that we maintain the same employee numbers in SAP as well...