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Rust Standard Library Cookbook

By : Jan Hohenheim, Daniel Durante
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Rust Standard Library Cookbook

By: Jan Hohenheim, Daniel Durante

Overview of this book

Mozilla’s Rust is gaining much attention with amazing features and a powerful library. This book will take you through varied recipes to teach you how to leverage the Standard library to implement efficient solutions. The book begins with a brief look at the basic modules of the Standard library and collections. From here, the recipes will cover packages that support file/directory handling and interaction through parsing. You will learn about packages related to advanced data structures, error handling, and networking. You will also learn to work with futures and experimental nightly features. The book also covers the most relevant external crates in Rust. By the end of the book, you will be proficient at using the Rust Standard library.
Table of Contents (12 chapters)

How to do it...

  1. Create a new sub-crate for the custom derive with cargo new chapter-five-derive.

  2. Open the newly generated chapter-five-derive/Cargo.toml.
  3. Add this directly above the [dependencies] section of the file in order to mark the crate as a procedural macro crate:
proc-macro = true
  1. Under [dependencies], add the following lines:
syn = "0.11.11"
quote = "0.3.15"

If you want, you can go to the web pages for syn ( and quote ( to check for the newest version and use that one instead.

  1.  In the chapter-five-derive/src/ file, delete the generated code and add the following:
1    extern crate proc_macro; 
2 #[macro_use]
3 extern crate quote;
4 extern crate syn;
6 use proc_macro::TokenStream;
8 // HelloWorld is the name for the derive
9 // hello_world_name is the name of our optional attribute
10 #[proc_macro_derive(HelloWorld, attributes(hello_world_name...