- API tips, Rust
- some function, explaining / Explaining the Some function
- Path function, using / Using the Path function
- application
- improving / Improving the organization of the application
- arrays
- about / Arrays
- slices / Slices
- for loops / For loops
- asynchronous IO
- advantages / Advantages of asynchronous IO
- disadvantages / Disadvantages of asynchronous IO
- asynchronous user interface / Asynchronous user interface
- binary project
- creating / Creating the new project
- builder pattern
- about / Builder pattern
- mutable borrows, playing / Playing with mutable borrows
- moves, playing / Playing with moves
- built-in data types
- about / Built-in data types
- integer types / Integer types
- floating-point types / Floating-point types
- Boolean type / Boolean type
- character type / Character type
- bytes codec
- about / Bytes codec
- data bytes, decoding / Decoding data bytes
- data bytes, encoding / Encoding data bytes
- cargo / Cargo and
- Cargo.toml file / Back to our Cargo.toml file
- child widget
- adding / Adding child widgets
- one-way data binding / One-way data binding
- post-initialization of view / Post-initialization of the view
- dialogs / Dialogs
- methods / Other methods
- chunks of commands
- implementation / Implementing simple chunks of commands, Starting with basics
- basics / Starting with basics
- clients
- handling / Handling clients
- code blocks / Code blocks
- code readability, Rust
- big number formatting / Big number formatting
- types, specifying / Specifying types
- matching / Matching
- commands
- handling / Handling commands, Handling commands
- commands implementation
- about / Commands implementation
- SYST command, implementation / Implementing the SYST command
- USER command, implementation / Implementing the USER command
- NOOP command, implementation / Implementing the NOOP command
- PWD command, implementation / Implementing the PWD command
- TYPE command, implementation / Implementing the TYPE command
- LIST command, implementation / Implementing the LIST command, Full implementation of the LIST command
- CWD command, implementation / Implementing the CWD command
- CDUP command, implementation / Implementing the CDUP command
- MKD command, implementation / Implementing the MKD command
- RMD command, implementation / Implementing the RMD command
- config.toml access
- securing / Securing the config.toml access
- configuration / Going further!, Configuration
- containers
- about / Containers
- types / Types of containers
- box container / The Box container
- control flow
- about / Control flow
- condition, writing / Writing a condition
- while loops, creating / Creating while loops
- copy types / Copy types
- mutable references / Mutable references
- cover
- displaying / Displaying the cover when playing a song
- CPU usage
- improving / Improving CPU usage
- condition variable / Condition variable
- crate
- reference link / Cargo and
- documenting / Documenting a crate
- current directory
- managing / Managing the current working directory
- printing / Printing the current directory
- changing / Changing the current directory
- custom widgets
- creating / Creating custom widgets
- dependencies
- installing / Installing the dependencies
- installing, on Linux / Installing dependencies on Linux
- installing, on Mac / Installing dependencies on Mac
- installing, on Windows / Installing dependencies on Windows
- dialogs / Dialogs
- directories
- creating / Creating directories
- removing / Removing directories
- doc blocks
- about / About the doc blocks themselves
- code blocks lines, hiding / Hiding code blocks lines
- documentation
- about / The documentation
- Cargo.toml file / Back to our Cargo.toml file
- documentation
- about / Documentation
- generating / Generating the documentation
- testing / Documentation tests
- tags / Tags
- drawing
- about / Drawing
- options, playing / Playing with Options
- solution / Solution
- images, loading / Loading images
- features, playing / Playing with features
- images, playing / Playing with images
- enumeration
- about / Enumerations
- documenting / Documenting an enumeration (or any type with public fields)
- error handling
- about / Handling errors
- unwrapping / Unwrapping
- error type / Custom error type
- error type
- about / Custom error type
- error, displaying / Displaying the error
- displaying / Displaying the error
- composing / Composing error types
- ? operator, revisited / The ? operator, revisited
- event loop
- about / Event loop
- atomic reference counting / Atomic reference counting
- mutual exclusion / Mutual exclusion
- send trait / Send trait
- sync trait / Sync trait
- lock-free data structures / Lock-free data structures
- Resource Acquisition Is Initialization (RAII) / RAII
- file
- handling / Handling files
- high scores, loading / Saving/loading high scores
- high scores, saving / Saving/loading high scores
- iterators / Iterators
- formatted data, reading / Reading formatted data from files
- opening, with file dialog / Opening files with a file dialog
- listing / Listing files
- downloading / Downloading a file
- uploading / Uploading files
- fonts
- installing, on OS X / Install on OS X
- installing, on Linux / Install on Linux
- system/package manager / Other system/package manager
- loading / Loading font
- FTP / Introduction to FTP
- FTP codec / FTP codec
- FTP commands
- decoding / Decoding FTP commands
- encoding / Encoding FTP commands
- FTP protocol
- about / File transfer protocol
- chunks of commands, implementation / Implementing simple chunks of commands
- commands implementation / Commands implementation
- testing / Testing it
- functions
- creating / Creating functions
- futures
- using / Using futures
- game map
- interacting / Interacting with the game map
- game mechanisms
- about / Getting started with game mechanisms
- rendering UI / Rendering UI
- fonts / Playing with fonts
- generics
- about / Generics
- option type / The Option type
- gstreamer
- used, for playback / Using gstreamer for playback
- GTK+
- installing, on Linux / Installing GTK+ on Linux
- installing, on Mac / Installing GTK+ on Mac
- installing, on Windows / Installing GTK+ on Windows
- headers / Headers
- high scores
- loading / Saving/loading high scores, Highscores loading/overwriting
- saving / Saving/loading high scores
- overwriting / Highscores loading/overwriting
- ID3
- MP3 metadata / ID3— MP3 metadata
- images
- SDL2_image, installing on Mac / Installing SDL2_image on Mac
- SDL2_image, installing on Linux / Installing SDL2_image on Linux
- integration tests
- about / Integration tests
- teardown / Teardown
- output, printing to stdout / Print output to stdout
- interior mutability / Interior mutability
- irrefutable patterns / Irrefutable patterns
- items
- hiding, from documentation / Hiding items from the documentation
- iterators / Iterators
- level / Score, level, lines sent, Levels and lines sent
- lines sent / Score, level, lines sent, Levels and lines sent
- LIST command / Back to the LIST command
- macros
- about / Macros
- multiple pattern rules / Multiple pattern rules
- repetitions / Repetitions
- messages / Messages
- methods
- about / Methods, Other methods
- constructors / Constructors
- model / Model
- model parameter / Model parameter
- module
- documenting / Documenting a module
- MP3 decoder
- implementing / Implementing an MP3 decoder
- MP3 files
- opening / Opening MP3 files
- decoding / Decoding MP3 files
- dependencies, adding / Adding dependencies
- frame samples / Getting the frame samples
- Multiple-Producers-Single-Consumer (MPSC) / Playing music
- music
- playing / Playing music, Playing music, Playing music
- event loop / Event loop
- mutex guard / Mutex guard
- music player
- using / Using the music player
- MVC pattern / The MVC pattern
- one-way data binding / One-way data binding
- passive mode
- entering / Entering passive mode
- bytes codec / Bytes codec
- PASV command
- implementation / Implementing the PASV command
- pattern matching
- about / Pattern matching
- irrefutable patterns / Irrefutable patterns
- playlist
- adding / Adding a playlist
- MVC pattern / The MVC pattern
- loading / Loading and saving the playlist, Loading a playlist
- saving / Loading and saving the playlist, Saving a playlist
- about / Playlist
- model parameter / Model parameter
- post-initialization of view / Post-initialization of the view
- prerequisite
- installing / Installing the prerequisite
- GTK+, installing on Linux / Installing GTK+ on Linux
- GTK+, installing on Mac / Installing GTK+ on Mac
- GTK+, installing on Windows / Installing GTK+ on Windows
- public items
- warning, without documentation / Warning about public items without documentation
- quitting / Quitting
- reference-counting pointer / Reference-counting pointer
- references
- about / References
- clone types / Clone types
- relm
- used, instead of gtk-rs directly / Reasons to use relm instead of gtk-rs directly
- state mutation / State mutation
- asynchronous user interface / Asynchronous user interface
- custom widgets, creating / Creating custom widgets
- window, creating / Creating a window with relm
- Rust nightly, installing / Installing Rust nightly
- used, on stable Rust / Using relm on stable Rust
- relm widget
- adding / Adding a relm widget
- data binding / Relm widgets data binding
- rendering / Rendering
- rendering initialization / Rendering initialization
- repetitions, macros
- optional quantifier / Optional quantifier
- Rust
- about / Getting to know Rust
- installing / Installing Rust
- Windows / Windows
- Linux/Mac / Linux/Mac
- installation, testing / Test your installation
- references / Documentation and reference
- main function / Main function
- variables / Variables
- best practices / Rust best practices
- slices / Slices
- API tips / API tips and improvements
- improvements / API tips and improvements
- usage tips / Usage tips
- code readability / Code readability
- Rust's modules / Rust's modules
- Rust crates / Understanding Rust crates
- Rust nightly
- installing / Installing Rust nightly
- Rust project
- setting up / Setting up your Rust project
- cargo / Cargo and
- / Cargo and
- documentation / The documentation
- score / Score, level, lines sent
- SDL2
- installing / Installing SDL2
- installing, on Linux / Installing SDL2 on Linux
- installing, on Windows / Installing SDL2 on Mac, Installing SDL2 on Windows
- Windows, with Build / Windows with Build Script
- Windows (MinGW) / Windows (MinGW)
- Windows (MSVC) / Windows (MSVC)
- SDL2_image
- installing, on Windows / Installing SDL2_image on Windows
- SDL events / SDL events
- Semantic Versioning (SemVer) / Setting up your Rust project
- server
- about / Starting the server
- clients, handling / Handling clients
- commands, handling / Handling commands
- FTP codec / FTP codec
- slices / Slices
- song
- deleting / Deleting a song
- pausing / Pausing and resuming the song
- resuming / Pausing and resuming the song
- progression, displaying / Showing the progression of the song
- current time, displaying / Showing the song's current time
- song duration
- computing / Computing the song duration
- stable Rust
- relm, used / Using relm on stable Rust
- state mutation / State mutation
- structures
- creating / Creating structures
- tags, documentation
- ignore / ignore
- compile_fail / compile_fail
- no_run / no_run
- should_panic / should_panic
- flags, combining / Combining flags?
- tests
- fuzzing / Fuzzing tests
- tetrimino
- about / Tetrimino
- creating / Creating tetriminos
- generating / Generating a tetrimino
- rotating / Rotating a tetrimino
- tetris / Tetris
- Tetris
- writing / Writing Tetris
- tetris struct / Tetris struct
- Tokio
- using / Using Tokio
- event loop / Tokio event loop
- Tokio event loop / Starting the Tokio event loop
- toolbar
- creating / Creating a toolbar
- stock item / Stock item
- tool button events
- adding / Adding tool button events
- lifetime / Lifetime
- ownership / Ownership
- traits
- about / Traits
- default methods / Default methods
- associated types / Associated types
- rules / Rules
- transfer type
- setting / Setting the transfer type
- tuples / Tuples
- unit tests
- about / Unit tests
- backtraces / Backtraces
- failures, testing / Testing failures
- tests, ignoring / Ignoring tests
- unwrapping / Unwrapping
- usage tips, Rust
- builder pattern / Builder pattern
- view
- about / View
- properties / Properties
- events / Events
- code generation / Code generation
- widget
- about / Widget
- model / Model
- messages / Messages
- view / View
- update function / Update function
- communicating / Communicating with the same widget
- emit / Emit
- method / With different widgets
- messages, handling from relm widget / Handle messages from a relm widget
- message, sending to relm widget / Syntax sugar to send a message to another relm widget
- widgets
- communicating / Communicating between widgets
- window
- creating / Creating a window
- Window
- creating / Creating your first window, Closure
- default behavior, preventing of an event / Preventing the default behavior of an event
- creating, with relm / Creating a window with relm