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Augmented Reality Game Development

By : Micheal Lanham
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Augmented Reality Game Development

By: Micheal Lanham

Overview of this book

The heyday of location-based augmented reality games is upon us. They have been around for a few years, but the release of Pokémon Go was a gamechanger that catalyzed the market and led to a massive surge in demand. Now is the time for novice and experienced developers alike to turn their good ideas into augmented reality (AR) mobile games and meet this demand! If you are keen to develop virtual reality games with the latest Unity 5 toolkit, then this is the book for you. The genre of location-based AR games introduces a new platform and technical challenges, but this book will help simplify those challenges and show how to maximize your game audience. This book will take you on a journey through building a location-based AR game that addresses the core technical concepts: GIS fundamentals, mobile device GPS, mapping, map textures in Unity, mobile device camera, camera textures in Unity, accessing location-based services, and other useful Unity tips. The technical material also discusses what is necessary for further development to create a multiplayer version of the game. At the end, you will be presented with troubleshooting techniques in case you get into trouble and need a little help.
Table of Contents (17 chapters)
Augmented Reality Game Development
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Google Street View as a backdrop

Much like the Catch scene we created earlier, which used the camera as a backdrop, we want to use a real-world element as the background. Instead of the camera, this scene will use Google Street View. Street View will be able to provide an interesting backdrop for the scene without using the camera.

Before we get started, you will need to create a Google Maps API key similar to what you did in the previous chapter. Follow this URL to the Google Street View Image API to generate a developer key as you did previously:

Click on the GET A KEY button at the top of the page, and follow the process as you did before to generate a key.

After you have generated your developer key, perform the following directions to set up the backdrop with the Google Street View Image API:

  1. From the menu, select Assets | Import Package | Custom Package... to open the Import package dialog. From the dialog, navigate to the downloaded...