Looking into the future
Viktor Farcic: Exactly. I hate this next question because I get asked it all the time, but I'm going to ask you anyway: where do you see the future?
Julian Simpson: I honestly don't have an answer for that. I think the public cloud is one area to keep an eye on. The benefit of such a massive arms race taking place between Amazon, Microsoft, Ali Cloud, IBM, and Google Cloud, is that for us developers who just want to deliver stuff, our choices are going to be amazing.
"We all know people who show up to their IT job and do what they're asked to do and then go home again. I think there is a huge risk to their careers when the inevitable automation takes place."
—Julian Simpson
I think the way that Amazon, in particular, is doing a lot around networking, so that I can extend an Amazon VPC bridge with my local network if I need to, will be interesting. I should probably be able to outsource an awful lot of IT stuff...