Finding your North Star
Andy Clemenko: It's your North Star! Putting the brakes on this interview, I want to ask what do you see? I know our discussion has focused on me, but what do you see in terms of company size and embracing DevOps?
Viktor Farcic: In regard to company size, I feel similar to you in that the bigger the company gets, the less fun I have working in it.
Andy Clemenko: It's great that you see things the same way as me.
Viktor Farcic: I think that's kind of my definition. I feel that being in software engineering is, in a way, a privilege. My feeling for that is because we are one of the very few professions that we usually join for fun and can continue having fun. At the end of the day, as long as I'm having fun, it's excellent. It's just that I feel that the bigger we are, the less fun I have.
I visit a lot of companies where I feel there's no hope. I work with them for a short period of time and show them how to do this and that. But then...