- AddForce
- URL / Code Sample 3.1
- Ammo prefabs, space shooter game
- about / Ammo prefabs
- creating / Ammo prefabs
- multiple sprites, separating / Ammo prefabs
- ammo sprite, aligning / Ammo prefabs
- ammo object, building / Ammo prefabs
- gravity, removing from ammo object / Ammo prefabs
- Code Sample 4-1 / Code Sample 4-1
- Ammo spawning, space shooter game
- about / Ammo spawning
- Code Sample 4.2 / Code Sample 4.2
- Code Sample 4.3 / Code Sample 4.3
- Application.LoadLevel
- URL / Code Sample 2.6
- Artificial Intelligence (AI)
- overview / An overview of the project
- starting / Getting started
- terrain, adding / Getting started
- terrain settings, editing / Getting started
- terrain settings, viewing / Getting started
- terrain, constructing / Terrain construction
- navigation and navigation meshes / Navigation and navigation meshes
- NPC, building / Building an NPC
- NPC, Code Sample 7-1 / Code Sample 7.1
- NPCs, patrolling / Creating patrolling NPCs
- range of sight / Enemy AI – range of sight
- range of sight, Code Sample 8.1 / Code Sample 8.1
- assets
- importing / Importing assets
- Atlas Texture / Creating a player
- Attack state
- about / The Attack state
- Code Sample 8.5 / Code Sample 8.5
- Audacity / Importing assets
- Blender / Importing assets
- C# scripting
- in Unity / C# scripting in Unity
- canvas object
- adding, to scene / Scores and scoring – UI and text objects
- in viewport, examining / Scores and scoring – UI and text objects
- canvas scalar component, adjusting / Scores and scoring – UI and text objects
- celebrations
- and fireworks / Celebrations and fireworks!
- Chase state
- about / The Chase state
- Code Sample 8.4 / Code Sample 8.4
- coin collection game
- about / Game design
- assets, importing / Importing assets
- level, starting / Starting a level
- transformations and navigation / Transformations and navigation
- object, centering to world origin / Transformations and navigation
- object translating, translate Gizmo used / Transformations and navigation
- rotate and scale tools, accessing / Transformations and navigation
- zooming in and out / Transformations and navigation
- first-person controls, using / Transformations and navigation
- scene, building / Scene building
- sky, enabling / Lighting and sky
- lighting, enabling / Lighting and sky
- play testing / Play testing and the Game tab, Play testing
- scene, saving / Play testing and the Game tab
- FPSController, adding to scene / Play testing and the Game tab
- play, testing / Play testing and the Game tab
- console window output / Play testing and the Game tab
- camera, finding on first-person controller / Play testing and the Game tab
- water plane, adding / Adding a water plane
- coin, adding to collect / Adding a coin to collect
- coin material, creating / Creating a coin material
- coins, counting / Counting coins, Collecting coins
- building / Building
- coins
- material, creating / Creating a coin material
- counting / Counting coins
- Code Sample 2.3, comments / Code Sample 2.3
- collecting / Collecting coins
- Code Sample 2.5, comments / Code Sample 2.5
- and prefabs / Coins and prefabs
- coroutines
- 2D Adventure game
- about / A 2D Adventure – getting started
- starting / Importing assets
- texture assets, importing / Importing assets
- imported textures, configuring / Importing assets
- resolutions, adding / Importing assets
- camera orthographic size, configuring / Importing assets
- environment, creating / Creating an environment – getting started, Environment Physics
- Capsule Collider component, removing / Environment Physics
- Rigidbody 2D componen, adding / Environment Physics
- Edge Collider / Environment Physics
- player, creating / Creating a player
- player movement, scripting / Scripting the player movement
- player movement, Code Sample 5.1 comments / Code Sample 5.1
- optimization / Optimization
- platforms, moving / Moving platforms
- platforms, Code Sample 6.1 comments / Code Sample 6.1
- other scenes, creating / Creating other scenes – levels 2 and 3
- kill zones / Kill zones
- kill zones, Code Sample 6.2 comments / Code Sample 6.2
- UI health bar / The UI health bar
- UI health bar, Code Sample 6.3 comments / Code Sample 6.3
- ammo and hazards / Ammo and hazards
- gun turrets and ammo / Gun turrets and ammo
- Non-player Character (NPCs) / NPCs and quests
- Non-player Character (NPCs), Code Sample 6.8 comments / Code Sample 6.8
- 2D texture settings and Mip Maps
- 3DS Max / Importing assets
- death and particles
- URL / Death and particles
- deltaTime
- URL / Code Sample 2.6, Code Sample 3.6
- enemies
- URL / Enemies
- Finite State Machines
- about / An overview of Finite State Machines
- Code Sample 8.2 / Code Sample 8.2
- fireworks
- and celebrations / Celebrations and fireworks!
- Code Sample 2.7, comments / Code Sample 2.7
- First-In-First-Out (FIFO) object / Code Sample 4.2
- FixedUpdate
- URL / Code Sample 2.6, Code Sample 5.1
- game
- coin collection game / Game design
- GetAxis function
- URL / Code Sample 3.1
- GetComponent
- URL / Code Sample 2.7
- GI Cache / Lighting and sky
- GIMP / Importing assets
- Gizmo / Transformations and navigation
- guns
- and gun turrents / Guns and gun turrets
- kill zones, 2D Adventure game
- about / Kill zones
- Code Sample 6.2, comments / Code Sample 6.2
- LateUpdate
- URL / Code Sample 3.2
- LateUpdate function
- URL / Code Sample 2.6
- level
- starting / Starting a level
- Light Propagation Paths / Lighting and sky
- LookRotation
- URL / Code Sample 3.7
- material / Creating a coin material
- Mathf.MoveTowards function
- URL / Code Sample 6.3
- Maya / Importing assets
- MonoDevelop / C# scripting in Unity
- Navigation / Navigation and navigation meshes
- Non-player Character (NPCs)
- about / NPCs and quests
- building / Building an NPC
- patrolling / Creating patrolling NPCs
- object caching / Ammo spawning
- object pooling / Ammo spawning
- OnTriggerEnter function
- URL / Collecting coins
- OnTriggerStay2D
- URL / Code Sample 6.2
- optimizing rendering performance
- URL / Creating a coin material
- Particle System packages / Celebrations and fireworks!
- Path-Finding / Navigation and navigation meshes
- Patrol state
- about / The Patrol state
- Code Sample 8.3 / Code Sample 8.3
- Photoshop / Importing assets
- platforms, 2D Adventure game
- moving / Moving platforms
- pooling / Ammo spawning
- prefabs
- and coins / Coins and prefabs
- Profiler
- URL / Testing and diagnosis
- projects
- and Unity / Getting started – Unity and projects
- and project folders / Projects and project folders
- RectTransform
- URL / Code Sample 6.3
- Rect Transform tool
- selecting / Scores and scoring – UI and text objects
- RigidBody2D.Velocity variable
- URL / Code Sample 5.1
- scene
- building / Scene building
- scores
- scores, space shooter game
- working with / Working with scores – scripting with text
- Code Sample 4.4 / Code Sample 4.4
- ScreenToWorldPoint
- URL / Code Sample 3.1
- SendMessage
- URL / Code Sample 3.3
- space shooter game
- completed project / Looking ahead – the completed project
- about / Getting started with a space shooter
- player object, creating / Creating a player object
- player input / Player input
- player input, Code Sample 3.1 comments / Code Sample 3.1
- camera, configuring / Configuring the game camera
- bounds locking / Bounds locking
- bounds locking, Code Sample 3.2, comments / Code Sample 3.2
- health / Health
- health, Code Sample 3.3 comments / Code Sample 3.3
- death, and particles / Death and particles
- death and particles, Code Sample 3.4 comments / Code Sample 3.4
- enemies / Enemies
- enemies, Code Sample 3.6 comments / Code Sample 3.6
- enemies, Code Sample 3.7 comments / Code Sample 3.7
- enemies, Code Sample 3.8 comments / Code Sample 3.8
- enemy spawning / Enemy spawning
- enemy spawning, Code Sample 3.9 comments / Code Sample 3.9, Summary
- guns and gun turrets / Guns and gun turrets
- Ammo prefabs / Ammo prefabs
- Ammo spawning / Ammo spawning
- user controls / User controls
- player input, URL / User controls
- UI and text objects / Scores and scoring – UI and text objects
- scores / Working with scores – scripting with text
- final touches / Polishing
- testing / Testing and diagnosis
- diagnosis / Testing and diagnosis
- building / Building
- Sprite Sheet / Creating a player
- Stats panel
- URL / Testing and diagnosis
- text object
- creating, for UI / Scores and scoring – UI and text objects
- text, aligning within boundary / Scores and scoring – UI and text objects
- aligning, to screen / Scores and scoring – UI and text objects
- timers
- and countdowns / Timers and countdowns
- Code Sample 2.6, comments / Code Sample 2.6
- UI health bar, 2D Adventure game
- about / The UI health bar
- Code Sample 6.3, comments / Code Sample 6.3
- Unity
- and projects / Getting started – Unity and projects
- URL / Importing assets
- C# scripting / C# scripting in Unity
- Unity Editor / Game design
- Unity Standard Asset packages / Starting a level
- Update function
- URL / Code Sample 2.6