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Building a Game with Unity and Blender

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Building a Game with Unity and Blender

Overview of this book

In the wake of the indie game development scene, game development tools are no longer luxury items costing up to millions of dollars but are now affordable by smaller teams or even individual developers. Among these cutting-edge applications, Blender and Unity stand out from the crowd as a powerful combination that allows small-to-no budget indie developers or hobbyists alike to develop games that they have always dreamt of creating. Starting from the beginning, this book will cover designing the game concept, constructing the gameplay, creating the characters and environment, implementing game logic and basic artificial intelligence, and finally deploying the game for others to play. By sequentially working through the steps in each chapter, you will quickly master the skills required to develop your dream game from scratch.
Table of Contents (16 chapters)
Building a Game with Unity and Blender
About the Author
About the Reviewers

A basic particle system

Particle systems are often overlooked by rookie game developers because they are not something that will affect game mechanics, or make the AI smarter. However, a particle system is very important in games because not only does it make a static and boring scene look a lot livelier, but it can also create different moods and affect the player's emotion. Particles can be applied to game environments, props, power-ups, weapons, magic skills, and so on.

To create a particle system, go to Create | Particle System, and it will create an empty object with the particle system attached to it. The particle system in Unity is in the form of a component and it has to be attached onto a game object in order for it to be functional, which means you can add the particle system to any game object, not necessarily an empty object only. Then, you will see something like this:

When a particle system is selected, a small window will appear at the bottom-right corner of your 3D scene....