- Aardvark Pro original theme
- accounts
- creating, for teachers / Time for action – creating teacher accounts, What just happened?
- creating, for students / Time for action – enrolling students when creating their accounts, What just happened?
- admin
- about / Permissions and roles
- administrative monitor role
- advising system
- assessment test scores
- user profile, setting up for / Time for action – setting up a user profile field for assessment test scores, What just happened?
- assistant administrator role
- about / Time for action – creating and using an assistant administrator role
- creating / Time for action – creating and using an assistant administrator role
- assigning / Time for action – creating and using an assistant administrator role
- testing / Time for action – testing the role, What just happened?
- attendance module
- setting up / Bulk setup of the attendance module
- template course, creating / Time for action – creating a template course, What just happened?
- attendance template, setting up / Time for action – setting up the attendance template, What just happened?
- Attendance package
- about / Blocks and modules
- installing / Time for action – installing the Attendance package, What just happened?
- attendance policy, Moodle site
- attendance standards
- about / Attendance standards
- attendance template
- setting up / Time for action – setting up the attendance template, What just happened?
- importing, to other courses / Time for action – importing the attendance template to other courses
- plugin
- about / Enrollment plugins
- Auto-create groups feature / What just happened?
- basic customization, Moodle site
- blocks, Moodle
- about / Blocks and modules
- My Courses / Blocks and modules
- Attendance package / Blocks and modules
- Enhanced User Administration / The Enhanced User Administration block, Time for action – installation and use of the Enhanced User Admin block
- mentees / Building a mentor, homeroom, advisor, or counselor system
- BOM (Bit Order Mark) setting
- Bulk Course Upload tool
- bulk enrollment
- for existing users / Bulk enrollment for existing users, Time for action – enroll existing users, What just happened?
- Bulk user actions function
- about / What just happened?
- Bulk user actions tool
- categorization
- about / Course categories
- category page
- course lists, removing from / Time for action – removing course lists from the category page, What just happened?
- detailed summary setting / Time for action – increasing the detailed summary setting
- censored student role
- Moodle, using as / Using Moodle as a CIMS
- about / Using Moodle as a CIMS
- enrollment review / CIMS enrollment review
- CMS (Content Management System)
- about / A VLE, LMS, and CMS
- CMS (Course Management System)
- about / A VLE, LMS, and CMS
- communication system
- setting up, meta course used / Facilitating intra- or inter-departmental or program communication, collaboration, and information flow
- config.php file
- Content Pages block
- installing / Time for action – installation of Content Pages block, What just happened?
- customizing / Time for action – customizing the Content Pages block, What just happened?
- display style, adjusting / Time for action – adjusting the display style of the Content Pages admin block, What just happened?
- about / What just happened?
- contexts
- about / Permissions and roles
- course capacity setting
- testing, for Registration Enrollment plugin / Time for action – testing the course capacity setting of the Registration Enrollment plugin, What just happened?
- course categories
- about / Course categories
- creating, manually / Manual creation of course categories, Time for action – manually creating course categories, What just happened?
- course context
- enrollment status, verifying from / Time for action – checking the enrollment status from the course context
- course environments
- about / What is Moodle?
- course lists
- removing, from category page / Time for action – removing course lists from the category page, What just happened?
- courses
- attendance template, importing to / Time for action – importing the attendance template to other courses
- locking, for grade retrieval / Time for action – locking courses for grade retrieval, What just happened?
- increasing, in user's profile / Time for action – increasing the number of courses displayed in a user's profile
- CSV file
- customization, Content Pages block / Time for action – customizing the Content Pages block, What just happened?
- customization, logo / Time for action – customizing the logo, What just happened?
- customization, menu bar / Time for action – customizing the menu bar
- customization, sub menus / Time for action – customizing the submenus, What just happened?
- customization, third party themes / Customization of third party themes
- Custom SQL query tool
- custom user profile fields
- about / Custom user profile fields
- creating / Custom user profile fields, Time for action – setting up a user profile field for assessment test scores
- setting up, for assessment test scores / Time for action – setting up a user profile field for assessment test scores, What just happened?
- populating / Time for action – populating the fields, What just happened?
- using, as search criteria / Using the user profile fields as the search criteria
- database table
- access, limiting / Time for action – limiting database table access
- default site-wide settings, Registration Enrollment plugin / Time for action – setting up the Registration Enrollment plugin (default site-wide settings), What just happened?
- Define roles link / Permissions and roles
- detailed summary setting
- increasing, for category page / Time for action – increasing the detailed summary setting
- display settings
- modifying / Modifying display settings
- display style
- adjusting, for Content Pages admin block / Time for action – adjusting the display style of the Content Pages admin block, What just happened?
- educational program
- about / Course categories
- Enhanced User Administration block
- enrollment plugins
- about / Enrollment plugins
- Internal Enrollment / Enrollment plugins
- Flat file / Enrollment plugins
- External Database / Enrollment plugins
- LDAP / Enrollment plugins
- IMS Enterprise / Enrollment plugins
- Moodle Networking / Enrollment plugins
- / Enrollment plugins
- PayPal / Enrollment plugins
- enrollment status
- verifying, from course context / Time for action – checking the enrollment status from the course context
- verifying, from user's profile page / Time for action – checking enrollment status from the user's profile page, What just happened?
- enrollment table maintenance tool
- Xataface, using as / Time for action – Xataface as an enrollment table maintenance tool
- External Database plugin
- about / Enrollment plugins
- final grade submission process
- implementing / Implementing a final grade submission process, The policy, The process
- Flat file plugin
- about / Enrollment plugins
- foreign language fonts
- using, in menu bar / Time for action – customizing the menu bar
- forums
- front page
- appearance, changing / Time for action – basic customization, What just happened?
- label area, customizing on / Time for action – customizing the label area of the front page, What just happened?
- Main Menu block, adding to / Time for action – adding the Main Menu block, What just happened?
- Front Page settings window
- about / Time for action – basic customization
- settings / Time for action – basic customization
- Gradebook template
- grade retrieval
- courses, locking for / Time for action – locking courses for grade retrieval, What just happened?
- grading standards
- about / Grading standards
- standard grading scale, creating / Time for action – creating a standard grading scale, What just happened?
- Gradebook template, creating / Time for action – creating a Gradebook template, What just happened?
- target course, preparing / Time for action – preparing the target course, What just happened?
- Gradebook template, importing / Time for action – importing the Gradebook template, What just happened?
- groups
- creating, within meta course / Time for action – creating a group inside the meta course, What just happened?
- IMS Enterprise plugin
- about / Enrollment plugins
- installation, Aardvark Pro original theme
- installation, Attendance package
- installation, Bulk Course Upload tool
- installation, Content Pages block
- installation, Custom SQL query tool / Time for action – install and experiment with the Custom SQL query tool
- installation, Enhanced User Administration block / Time for action – installation and use of the Enhanced User Admin block
- installation, Mac OS X package
- installation, mentees block / Time for action – installing the Mentees block, What just happened?
- installation, Moodle
- about / Installing Moodle
- installation, My Courses block
- installation, PHPMyAdmin / Time for action – installing and using PHPMyAdmin
- installation, questionnaire module / Time for action – installing and using the questionnaire module
- installation, Registration Enrollment plugin / Time for action – installing the Registration Enrollment plugin, What just happened?
- installation, themes
- installation, third party contributions
- installation, Windows package
- installation, Xataface / Time for action – installation and basic setup of Xataface, What just happened?
- installing
- Moodle / Installing Moodle
- Mac OS X package / Time for action – installing the Mac OS X package, What just happened?
- MAMP package, for Mac OS X / Time for action – installing the Mac OS X package, What just happened?
- Windows package / Time for action – installing the Windows package, What just happened?
- XAMPP package, for Windows / Time for action – installing the Windows package, What just happened?
- third party contributions / Installing third party contributions
- My Courses block / Time for action – installing the My Courses block
- Attendance package / Time for action – installing the Attendance package, What just happened?
- themes / Installing other plugins (themes)
- Aardvark Pro original theme / Time for action – installing the Aardvark Pro original theme, What just happened?
- Bulk Course Upload tool / Time for action – installing the Bulk Course Upload tool
- Content Pages block / Time for action – installation of Content Pages block, What just happened?
- mentees block / Time for action – installing the Mentees block, What just happened?
- Enhanced User Administration block / Time for action – installation and use of the Enhanced User Admin block
- PHPMyAdmin / Time for action – installing and using PHPMyAdmin
- Custom SQL query tool / Time for action – install and experiment with the Custom SQL query tool
- Xataface / Time for action – installation and basic setup of Xataface, What just happened?
- questionnaire module / Time for action – installing and using the questionnaire module
- Registration Enrollment plugin / Time for action – installing the Registration Enrollment plugin, What just happened?
- Internal Enrollment plugin
- about / Enrollment plugins
- label area
- customizing, on front page / Time for action – customizing the label area of the front page, What just happened?
- language program
- about / Enrollment plugins
- links
- adding, to submenu items / Time for action – adding links to the submenu items, What just happened?
- about / A VLE, LMS, and CMS
- logo
- customizing / Time for action – customizing the logo, What just happened?
- Mac OS X
- MAMP package, installing for / Time for action – installing the Mac OS X package, What just happened?
- Mac OS X package
- Main Menu block
- adding, to front page / Time for action – adding the Main Menu block, What just happened?
- MAMP package
- about / Installing Moodle
- installing, for Mac OS X / Time for action – installing the Mac OS X package, What just happened?
- mentees block
- menu bar
- customizing / Time for action – customizing the menu bar
- foreign language fonts, using / Time for action – customizing the menu bar
- meta course
- communication system, setting up / Facilitating intra- or inter-departmental or program communication, collaboration, and information flow
- setting up / Time for action – setting up the meta course, What just happened?
- groups, creating within / Time for action – creating a group inside the meta course, What just happened?
- forums, creating within / Time for action – setting up the forums inside the meta course, What just happened?, Have a go hero
- mod folder
- modules, Moodle
- about / Blocks and modules
- Attendance package / Blocks and modules
- attendance / Bulk setup of the attendance module
- questionnarie / Time for action – installing and using the questionnaire module, What just happened?
- Moodle
- about / What is Moodle?
- using, as CIMS / Using Moodle as a CIMS
- peripheral work, examples / Using Moodle as a CIMS
- installing / Installing Moodle
- course categories, creating manually / Manual creation of course categories, Time for action – manually creating course categories, What just happened?
- accounts, creating for teachers / Time for action – creating teacher accounts, What just happened?
- fields, for setting up as CIMS / Time for action – installing the Bulk Course Upload tool
- other enrollment options / Other enrollment options
- display settings, modifying / Modifying display settings
- custom user profile fields, creating / Custom user profile fields, Time for action – setting up a user profile field for assessment test scores
- using, as hub for communication / Using Moodle as a hub for internal information distribution, collaboration, and communication, Facilitating intra- or inter-departmental or program communication, collaboration, and information flow
- using, as hub for collaboration / Using Moodle as a hub for internal information distribution, collaboration, and communication, Facilitating intra- or inter-departmental or program communication, collaboration, and information flow
- using, as hub for distribution / Using Moodle as a hub for internal information distribution, collaboration, and communication, Facilitating intra- or inter-departmental or program communication, collaboration, and information flow
- using, as hub for internal information / Using Moodle as a hub for internal information distribution, collaboration, and communication, Facilitating intra- or inter-departmental or program communication, collaboration, and information flow
- customizing / A note on Moodle customization
- Moodle4Mac-MAMP-19.dmg file
- Moodle customization
- about / A note on Moodle customization
- Moodle data
- modifying, Xataface used / Time for action – using Xataface to modify core Moodle data
- Moodle Docs site
- URL / Have a go hero
- Moodle Networking plugin
- about / Enrollment plugins
- MoodleRooms
- Moodle site
- URL / Time for action – installing the Mac OS X package
- setting up / Basic setup and customization of your Moodle site
- front page / Basic setup and customization of your Moodle site
- basic customization / Time for action – basic customization
- label area, customizing on front page / Time for action – customizing the label area of the front page, What just happened?
- Main Menu block, adding to front page / Time for action – adding the Main Menu block, What just happened?
- modules / Blocks and modules
- blocks / Blocks and modules
- enrollment plugins / Enrollment plugins
- standard procedures, implementing / Implementing standard policies and procedures in your Moodle site
- standard policies, implementing / Implementing standard policies and procedures in your Moodle site
- attendance standards, for students / Attendance standards
- attendance policy / Bulk setup of the attendance module
- grading standards, for students / Grading standards
- final grade submission process, implementing / Implementing a final grade submission process, The policy, The process
- exam, administering for students / An exam administered via the Moodle quiz module
- roles / Permissions and roles
- permissions / Permissions and roles
- meta course, setting up / Time for action – setting up the meta course, What just happened?
- groups, creating inside meta course / Time for action – creating a group inside the meta course, What just happened?
- forums, creating inside meta course / Time for action – setting up the forums inside the meta course, What just happened?, Have a go hero
- advising system, setting up / Time for action – setting up a mentor, advisor, or counseling system, What just happened?, Have a go hero
- My Courses block
- about / Blocks and modules
- installing / Time for action – installing the My Courses block
- other enrollment options, Moodle / Other enrollment options
- Parental Monitor role
- about / Time for action – creating and using the Parental Monitor role
- creating / Time for action – creating and using the Parental Monitor role, What just happened?
- assigning, to new account / Time for action – creating a new account and assigning the role to it, What just happened?
- testing / Time for action – checking the role functionality, What just happened?
- PayPal plugin
- about / Enrollment plugins
- permission
- about / Permissions and roles
- settings / Permissions and roles
- PHPMyAdmin
- priority enrollment period setting
- testing, for eligible student / Time for action – testing the priority enrollment period setting for an eligible student, What just happened?
- testing, for ineligible student / Time for action – testing the priority enrollment period for an ineligible student, What just happened?
- profile field
- creating, for program enrollment information / Time for action – a profile field for program enrollment information
- program enrollment information
- profile field, creating for / Time for action – a profile field for program enrollment information
- questionnaire module
- Registration Enrollment plugin
- about / Introducing the Registration Enrollment plugin
- benefits / Introducing the Registration Enrollment plugin
- capabilities / Introducing the Registration Enrollment plugin
- installing / Time for action – installing the Registration Enrollment plugin, What just happened?
- user profile fields, creating / Time for action – creating and populating the user profile fields, What just happened?
- user profile fields, populating / Time for action – creating and populating the user profile fields, What just happened?
- setting up / Time for action – setting up the Registration Enrollment plugin (default site-wide settings), What just happened?
- default site-wide settings / Time for action – setting up the Registration Enrollment plugin (default site-wide settings), What just happened?
- registration enrollment system settings / Time for action – registration enrollment system settings (course level), What just happened?
- testing / Testing the Registration Enrollment plugin
- testing, for non-eligible student / Time for action – testing the Registration Enrollment plugin for a non-eligible student, What just happened?
- Registration Enrollment plugin, testing
- about / Testing the Registration Enrollment plugin
- priority enrollment period setting, for eligible student / Time for action – testing the priority enrollment period setting for an eligible student, What just happened?
- priority enrollment period, for ineligible student / Time for action – testing the priority enrollment period for an ineligible student, What just happened?
- for ineligible student / Time for action – testing the Registration Enrollment plugin for a non-eligible student, What just happened?
- course capacity setting / Time for action – testing the course capacity setting of the Registration Enrollment plugin, What just happened?
- base criteria / Time for action – testing the Registration Enrollment plugin base criteria, What just happened?
- Allowed Enrollments setting / Time for action – testing the Registration Enrollment plugin Allowed Enrollments setting, What just happened?
- relationships
- setting up, in Xataface / Time for action – setting up relationships in Xataface, What just happened?
- roles
- about / Permissions and roles
- default roles / Permissions and roles
- censored student role / Creating a censored student role, Time for action – creating and using a censored student role, What just happened?
- assistant administrator role / Time for action – creating and using an assistant administrator role, Time for action – testing the role, What just happened?
- administrative monitor role / Administrative monitor role, Time for action – creating and using an administrative monitor role, What just happened?, Time for action – assigning and testing the role
- Parental Monitor role / Time for action – creating and using the Parental Monitor role, Time for action – creating a new account and assigning the role to it, What just happened?
- security measure, Xataface / Time for action – another Xataface security measure, What just happened?
- about / Using Moodle as a CIMS
- site, Moodle
- URL / Time for action – installing the Mac OS X package
- setting up / Basic setup and customization of your Moodle site
- front page / Basic setup and customization of your Moodle site
- basic customization / Time for action – basic customization, What just happened?
- label area, customizing on front page / Time for action – customizing the label area of the front page, What just happened?
- Main Menu block, adding to front page / Time for action – adding the Main Menu block, What just happened?
- blocks / Blocks and modules
- modules / Blocks and modules
- standard procedures, implementing / Implementing standard policies and procedures in your Moodle site
- standard policies, implementing / Implementing standard policies and procedures in your Moodle site
- attendance standards, for students / Attendance standards
- attendance policy / Bulk setup of the attendance module
- grading standards, for students / Grading standards
- final grade submission process, implementing / Implementing a final grade submission process, The policy, The process
- roles / Permissions and roles
- permissions / Permissions and roles
- meta course, setting up / Time for action – setting up the meta course, What just happened?
- groups, creating inside meta course / Time for action – creating a group inside the meta course, What just happened?
- forums, creating inside meta course / Time for action – setting up the forums inside the meta course, What just happened?, Have a go hero
- advising system, setting up / Time for action – setting up a mentor, advisor, or counseling system, What just happened?, Have a go hero
- Site Administration block
- SQL queries
- about / SQL queries
- writing / Time for action – creating a sample query, What just happened?
- standard grading scale
- standardized test
- administering, for students / Setting up a program-wide testing procedure, Time for action – an exam administered outside of Moodle, What just happened?
- standard policies
- implementing, in Moodle site / Implementing standard policies and procedures in your Moodle site
- standard procedures
- implementing, in Moodle site / Implementing standard policies and procedures in your Moodle site
- students
- account, creating for / Time for action – enrolling students when creating their accounts, What just happened?
- enrolling, for course / Time for action – enrolling students when creating their accounts, What just happened?
- standardized test, administering for / Setting up a program-wide testing procedure, Time for action – an exam administered outside of Moodle, What just happened?
- about / Permissions and roles
- students enrollment
- submenu items
- links, adding to / Time for action – adding links to the submenu items, What just happened?
- sub menus
- customizing / Time for action – customizing the submenus, What just happened?
- target course
- teacher accounts
- teachers
- about / Permissions and roles
- template course
- themes
- installing / Installing other plugins (themes)
- third party contributions
- installing / Installing third party contributions
- third party themes
- customizing / Customization of third party themes
- Upload users function / Have a go hero
- user's profile page
- enrollment status, verifying from / Time for action – checking enrollment status from the user's profile page, What just happened?
- user account
- Parental Monitor role, assigning to / Time for action – creating a new account and assigning the role to it, What just happened?
- user profile
- courses, increasing / Time for action – increasing the number of courses displayed in a user's profile
- user profile fields
- users
- enrolling, in courses / Bulk enrollment for existing users
- Virtual Learning Environment (VLE)
- about / Modifying display settings
- about / A VLE, LMS, and CMS
- Windows
- XAMPP package, installing for / Time for action – installing the Windows package, What just happened?
- Windows package
- XAMPP package
- about / Installing Moodle
- installing, for Windows / Time for action – installing the Windows package, What just happened?
- Xataface
- installing / Time for action – installation and basic setup of Xataface, What just happened?
- URL / Time for action – installation and basic setup of Xataface
- security measure / Time for action – another Xataface security measure, What just happened?
- about / Time for action – customizing the Xataface table display
- relationships, setting up / Time for action – setting up relationships in Xataface, What just happened?
- Moodle data, modifying / Time for action – using Xataface to modify core Moodle data
- using, as enrollment table maintenance tool / Time for action – Xataface as an enrollment table maintenance tool
- Xataface database application
- Xataface table display
- customizing / Time for action – customizing the Xataface table display