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WordPress Search Engine Optimization- Second Edition

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WordPress Search Engine Optimization- Second Edition

Overview of this book

WordPress is a powerful platform for creating feature-rich and attractive websites but, with a little extra tweaking and effort, your WordPress site can dominate search engines and bring thousands of new customers to your business. WordPress Search Engine Optimization will show you the secrets that professional SEO companies use to take websites to the top of search results. You'll take your WordPress site to the next level; you'll brush aside even the stiffest competition with the advanced tutorials in this book.
Table of Contents (19 chapters)
WordPress Search Engine Optimization Second Edition
About the Author
About the Reviewers

Monitoring backlinks with Majestic SEO

If you want to see how many backlinks you have pointing to your site, along with a range of additional data, the king of free backlink tools is the powerful Majestic SEO backlink checker tool. To use this tool, go to and enter your domain in the box at the top of the page. The tool will generate a report that shows how many URLs are indexed for your domain, how many total backlinks you have, and how many unique domains link to your website. For heavy-duty link reconnaissance, you'll want the paid upgrade. Underneath the site info, you can see the stats for each page on your site. The tool shows the number of backlinks for each page, as well as the number of domains linking to each page. You can only see 10 results per page, so you'll have to click through numerous pages to see all of the results if you have a large site.

Majestic SEO offers a few details that you won't get from Google or Bing Webmaster. Majestic SEO calculates and...