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WordPress Search Engine Optimization- Second Edition

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WordPress Search Engine Optimization- Second Edition

Overview of this book

WordPress is a powerful platform for creating feature-rich and attractive websites but, with a little extra tweaking and effort, your WordPress site can dominate search engines and bring thousands of new customers to your business. WordPress Search Engine Optimization will show you the secrets that professional SEO companies use to take websites to the top of search results. You'll take your WordPress site to the next level; you'll brush aside even the stiffest competition with the advanced tutorials in this book.
Table of Contents (19 chapters)
WordPress Search Engine Optimization Second Edition
About the Author
About the Reviewers


In this chapter, we learned how to monitor your progress through the use of free and paid tools. We learned how to set up and employ Google Analytics to measure and monitor where your website visitors are coming from and how they behave on your site. We learned how to set up and use Google Webmaster Tools to detect crawling errors on your site and learned how Googlebot interacts with your site. We discovered two HTML validation tools that you can use to ensure that your website's code meets current HTML standards.

Finally, we learned how to measure and monitor your backlink efforts with Bing Webmaster and Majestic SEO. With the tools and techniques in this chapter, you can ensure that your optimization efforts are effective and remain on track.