SAP service module functionality available via add-ons
By evaluating two add-ons for service management, we identified the potential additional features that we could use which are based on our strategic direction in this area. The Enprise Job Costing module was very focused on job costing features. This solution provided a great level of detail to handle job-costing-specific requirements. This add-on was embedded within SAP, but added the features within its own menu section. The Navigator ServiceONE solution was centered around the service view, which could be best operated within a second monitor. You would then have SAP on one monitor and the service view on the other monitor. Furthermore, the Navigator ServiceONE add-on is a member of a well-integrated set of add-ons provided by this vendor. We evaluated these two solutions to make sure that the activity of evaluating add-ons becomes a common activity for you.
In addition, by evaluating the added functionality, we understand what the...