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Unity3D UI Essentials

By : Simon Jackson
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Unity3D UI Essentials

By: Simon Jackson

Overview of this book

<p>Unity is a powerful cross-platform development engine that provides rich framework to create 2D and 3D apps or games. Through Unity3D, users are able take master the complexities of game development with ease, including animations, physics, renderings, shaders, scripting and now, Unity have released a new and advanced system to cope with the UI demands for modern applications and games.</p> <p>Unity 3D UI Essentials is a complete walk-through of the new UI system in Unity V4 and beyond (including Unity 5). This fast-paced practical tutorial provides you with in depth details of the new UI controls and layouts that can be used to create stunning and multiresolution UI.</p> <p>Venture forth into the highly componentized and advanced UI system, covering new features such as responsive designs and layouts. Also you get to deep-dive into the scripting side of the UI system as Unity has made the entire framework open source, giving free access to the source code of the new UI system to all developers.</p> <p>So get ready for a wild ride into the new Unity3D UI system and set your course for awesome!</p>
Table of Contents (14 chapters)

About the Reviewers

Attilio Carotenuto is a senior game developer at Space Ape Games, based in London. There, he uses Unity to create awesome mobile and tablet strategy games such as Samurai Siege.

Attilio previously worked at King, developing Farm Heroes Saga, and EA Playfish, creating social games and tools based on the The Sims brand. Before that, he was a freelance game and web developer, using tools such as Unity, Cocos2D, Flash, and XNA.

He has previously worked with Packt Publishing on Unity 3D Game Development (a video tutorial) as a technical reviewer.

Recent projects, tutorials, and articles from Attilio can be found on his personal website,

Adam Dawes is a software developer and systems architect working at a cutting-edge online service development company.

He has long maintained a fondness for computer games. From the very first time Nightmare Park displayed its devious maze of pathways in green symbols back in 1980, he has been a player across a variety of genres and styles. Creating his own games has always been a hobby, and while he has no plans to become part of the professional games industry, Adam has a lot of fun developing his own titles nonetheless.

Over the last few years, Adam has also published three books of his own, the most recent of which, Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8 Game Development (published by Apress), explains everything you need to know to develop Windows 8 games in C# using the open source MonoGame platform.

More information is available from his website at

Javier García-Lajara Herrero was part of the booming video game industry in Spain, participating in the Commandos saga of Pyro Studios, where he developed as an artist, before continuing his career in different studies at Virtual Toys, Bitoon, and Unusual Studios.

He is now one of the professors at U-Tad University of Technology.

Always passionate about technical advances, he now researches and develops new proposals in games, virtual reality, and aerial photogrammetry of objects and environments with drones.

Dr. Sebastian T. Koenig received his PhD in human interface technology from the University of Canterbury, New Zealand, developing a framework for individualized virtual reality cognitive rehabilitation. He obtained his diploma in psychology from the University of Regensburg, Germany, in the areas of clinical neuropsychology and virtual reality rehabilitation.

Dr. Koenig is the founder and CEO of Katana Simulations, where he oversees the design, development, and evaluation of cognitive assessment and training simulations. His professional experience spans over ten years of clinical work in cognitive rehabilitation and over seven years of virtual reality research, development, and user testing. Dr. Koenig has extensive experience as a speaker at international conferences and as a reviewer of scientific publications in the areas of rehabilitation, cognitive psychology, neuropsychology, software engineering, game development, games user research, and virtual reality.

Dr. Koenig has developed numerous software applications for cognitive assessment and training. For his work on the Virtual Memory Task, he was awarded the prestigious Laval Virtual Award in 2011, for the Medicine and Health category. Other applications include the virtual reality executive function assessment in collaboration with the Kessler Foundation, NJ, USA, and the patent-pending Microsoft Kinect-based motor and cognitive training JewelMine/Mystic Isle at the USC Institute for Creative Technologies, CA, USA.

Dr. Koenig maintains the website about his research and his software development projects. His website also contains a comprehensive list of tutorials for the game engine Unity.

Simon Wheatley first got into programming with the Sinclair ZX81 and then the Acorn BBC Micro. This hobby led onto a bachelor's degree in information technology, after which he embarked on an IT career working in the service, manufacturing, and higher education sectors.

Recently, he discovered Unity's new 2D tools and set about enthusiastically learning as much as possible about them while contributing plenty of errata to several recently published Unity books. Currently, he is developing an indie mobile game using Unity. When he isn't working, he can be found singing down at his local karaoke bar or out enjoying the fantastic British countryside!