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Automating Salesforce Marketing Cloud

By : Greg Gifford, Jason Hanshaw
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Automating Salesforce Marketing Cloud

By: Greg Gifford, Jason Hanshaw

Overview of this book

Salesforce Marketing Cloud (SFMC) allows you to use multiple channels and tools to create a 1:1 marketing experience for your customers and subscribers. Through automation and helper tasks, you can greatly increase your productivity while also reducing the level of effort required in terms of volume and frequency. Automating Salesforce Marketing Cloud starts by discussing what automation is generally and then progresses to what automation is in SFMC. After that, you’ll focus on how to perform automation inside of SFMC all the way to fully running processes and capabilities from an external service. Later chapters explore the benefits and capabilities of automation and having an automation mindset both within and outside of SFMC. Equipped with this knowledge and example code, you'll be prepared to maximize your SFMC efficiency. By the end of this Salesforce book, you’ll have the skills you need to build automation both inside and outside of SFMC, along with the knowledge for using the platform optimally.
Table of Contents (20 chapters)
Section 1: Automation Theory and Automations in SFMC
Section 2: Optimizing Automation inside of SFMC
Section 3: Optimizing the Automation of SFMC from External Sources
Section 4: Conclusion


Wow! We made it through the setup and the best practices section! Congratulations! Through the past few chapters, we have learned so much, starting with talking about automation and then the best practices in automation for Salesforce Marketing Cloud. Throughout this chapter, we have learned about many things concerning automation in Marketing Cloud, including the building-block best practices of automation in Marketing Cloud; how to create high-quality testing to maximize your solutions; figuring out the difference between efficiency and performance; learning that best practice does not always mean the best solution; and that your preference, context, and opinions are major considerations.

With these topics under our belt, we can confidently close this section of this book. These topics will guide us in our future endeavors in automation by creating a strong understanding and building block that will form a strong base in our capabilities within Marketing Cloud. From here...