So, a question regarding when to use direct references versus using an indirect reference may come to mind. This is a very pertinent question. Unfortunately, there is no obvious answer or one that must be strictly obeyed.
In general, however, whenever a structure is declared in a function block and its elements are accessed within that function block, direct references typically make the most sense. On the other hand, when structures are declared in one function block and then manipulated by another function block, it is typically best to use indirect references (pointers) to them in the manipulating function called.
With this in mind, we can now redefine the prototypes to the Deck manipulation operations, as follows:
voidInitializeDeck( Deck* pDeck );
voidShuffleDeck(Deck* pDeck );
Card* DealCardFromDeck( Deck* pDeck );
voidPrintDeck(Deck* pDeck );
In each case, the Deck structure is not copied...