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Monkey Game Development: Beginner's Guide

By : Michael Hartlef
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Monkey Game Development: Beginner's Guide

By: Michael Hartlef

Overview of this book

Monkey is a programming language and toolset that allows its user to develop modern 2D games easily for mobile and other platforms like iOS, Android, HTML5, FLASH, OSX, Windows and XNA. With Monkey you can create best selling games in a matter of weeks, instead of months.Monkey Game Development Beginner's Guide provides easy-to-follow step by step instructions on how to create eight different 2D games and how to deploy them to various platforms and markets. Learning about the structure of Monkey and how everything works together you will quickly create eight classical games and publish them to the modern app markets. Throughout the book you will learn important game development techniques like collision detection, handling player input with mouse, keyboard or touch events and creating challenging computer AI. The author explains how to emit particle effects, play sound and music files, use sprite sheets, load or save high-score tables and handle different device resolutions. Finally you will learn how to monetize your games so you can generate revenue.
Table of Contents (16 chapters)
Monkey Game Development
About the Author
About the Reviewers
Game #2, Rocket Commander
Game #3, CometCrusher
Game #4, Chain Reaction
Game #5, Balls Out!
Game #7, Air Dogs 1942
Game #8, Treasure Chest

Time for action — detailing the OnUpdate method

The update process will determine the current delta time, reset the collision markers, and do the collision checks. It also will check the buttons of the game pad.

  1. 1. The first change is to add a Select statement inside the If statement that depends on the field gameMode.

    Method OnUpdate:Int()
    Local d:Float = Float(eng.CalcDeltaTime())/60.0
    If isSuspended = False then
    Select gameMode
  2. 2. Check whether the game mode is equal to gmPlay.

    Case gmPlay
  3. 3. Reset the number of crates that are on a target.

    OnTarget = 0
  4. 4. Also, reset whether the player's collision zones hit a wall or a crate.

    hitWall = False
    hitWall2 = False
    hitCrate = Null
    hitCrate2 = Null
  5. 5. Perform a collision check on the game layer.


    While playing a level, we want the player to be able to switch back to the titlescreen.

  6. 6. Check whether the X key was hit on either the keyboard or the Xbox controller.

    If KeyHit(KEY_X) Or JoyHit(JOY_X)...