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Pretrain Vision and Large Language Models in Python

By : Emily Webber
4.5 (2)
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Pretrain Vision and Large Language Models in Python

4.5 (2)
By: Emily Webber

Overview of this book

Foundation models have forever changed machine learning. From BERT to ChatGPT, CLIP to Stable Diffusion, when billions of parameters are combined with large datasets and hundreds to thousands of GPUs, the result is nothing short of record-breaking. The recommendations, advice, and code samples in this book will help you pretrain and fine-tune your own foundation models from scratch on AWS and Amazon SageMaker, while applying them to hundreds of use cases across your organization. With advice from seasoned AWS and machine learning expert Emily Webber, this book helps you learn everything you need to go from project ideation to dataset preparation, training, evaluation, and deployment for large language, vision, and multimodal models. With step-by-step explanations of essential concepts and practical examples, you’ll go from mastering the concept of pretraining to preparing your dataset and model, configuring your environment, training, fine-tuning, evaluating, deploying, and optimizing your foundation models. You will learn how to apply the scaling laws to distributing your model and dataset over multiple GPUs, remove bias, achieve high throughput, and build deployment pipelines. By the end of this book, you’ll be well equipped to embark on your own project to pretrain and fine-tune the foundation models of the future.
Table of Contents (23 chapters)
Part 1: Before Pretraining
Part 2: Configure Your Environment
Part 3: Train Your Model
Part 4: Evaluate Your Model
Part 5: Deploy Your Model

Solving for an optimal training time

Time is an interesting construct in training large vision and language models. On the one hand, you might consider it a hyperparameter, simply the number of epochs. On the other hand, you might consider it a facet of your training data, its total number of tokens or images. You might also consider it a fixed input to your project, your total compute budget. Most research teams I work with use their intuition and good judgment to use a combination of all of these.

As we learned earlier in the book, the proposed scaling laws provide an interesting theoretical tool you can use to predict the performance of your model. Their original author, Kaplan et al. (9), actually suggested that optimal usage of a given compute budget should stop “significantly before convergence.” They proposed this because of their proposed insight into large language models being more “sample efficient” than smaller ones.

However, 2022 saw these...