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Pretrain Vision and Large Language Models in Python

By : Emily Webber
4.5 (2)
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Pretrain Vision and Large Language Models in Python

4.5 (2)
By: Emily Webber

Overview of this book

Foundation models have forever changed machine learning. From BERT to ChatGPT, CLIP to Stable Diffusion, when billions of parameters are combined with large datasets and hundreds to thousands of GPUs, the result is nothing short of record-breaking. The recommendations, advice, and code samples in this book will help you pretrain and fine-tune your own foundation models from scratch on AWS and Amazon SageMaker, while applying them to hundreds of use cases across your organization. With advice from seasoned AWS and machine learning expert Emily Webber, this book helps you learn everything you need to go from project ideation to dataset preparation, training, evaluation, and deployment for large language, vision, and multimodal models. With step-by-step explanations of essential concepts and practical examples, you’ll go from mastering the concept of pretraining to preparing your dataset and model, configuring your environment, training, fine-tuning, evaluating, deploying, and optimizing your foundation models. You will learn how to apply the scaling laws to distributing your model and dataset over multiple GPUs, remove bias, achieve high throughput, and build deployment pipelines. By the end of this book, you’ll be well equipped to embark on your own project to pretrain and fine-tune the foundation models of the future.
Table of Contents (23 chapters)
Part 1: Before Pretraining
Part 2: Configure Your Environment
Part 3: Train Your Model
Part 4: Evaluate Your Model
Part 5: Deploy Your Model

The Transformer model architecture and self-attention

The Transformer model, presented in the now-famous 2017 paper Attention is all you need, marked a turning point for the machine learning industry. This is primarily because it used an existing mathematical technique, self-attention, to solve problems in NLP related to sequences. The Transformer certainly wasn’t the first attempt at modeling sequences, previously, recurrent neural networks (RNNs) and even convolutional neural networks (CNNs) were popular in language.

However, the Transformer made headlines because its training cost was a small fraction of the existing techniques. This is because the Transformer is fundamentally easier to parallelize, due to its core self-attention process, than previous techniques. It also set new world records in machine translation. The original Transformer used both an encoder and decoder, techniques we will dive into later throughout this chapter. This joint encoder-decoder pattern was followed directly by other models focused on similar text-to-text tasks, such as T5.

In 2018, Alex Radford and his team presented Generative Pretrained Transformers, a method inspired by the 2017 Transformer, but using only the decoder. Called GPT, this model handled large-scale unsupervised pretraining well, and it was paired with supervised fine-tuning to perform well on downstream tasks. As we mentioned previously, this causal language modeling technique optimizes the log probability of tokens, giving us a left-to-right ability to find the most probable word in a sequence.

In 2019, Jacob Devlin and his team presented BERT: Pretraining of Deep Bidirectional Transformers. BERT also adopted the pretraining, fine-tuning paradigm, but implemented a masked language modeling loss function that helped the model learn the impact of tokens both before and after them. This proved useful in disambiguating the meaning of words in different contexts and has aided encoder-only tasks such as classification ever since.

Despite their names, neither GPT nor BERT uses the full encoder-decoder as presented in the original Transformer paper but instead leverages the self-attention mechanism as core steps throughout the learning process. Thus, it is in fact the self-attention process we should understand.

First, remember that each word, or token, is represented as an embedding. This embedding is created simply by using a tokenizer, a pretrained data object for each model that maps the word to its appropriate dense vector. Once we have the embedding per token, we use learnable weights to generate three new vectors: key, query, and value. We then use matrix multiplication and a few steps to interact with the key and the query, using the value at the very end to determine what was most informative in the sequence overall. Throughout the training loop, we update these weights to get better and better interactions, as determined by your pretraining objective.

Your pretraining objective serves as a directional guide for how to update the model parameters. Said another way, your pretraining objective provides the primary signal to your stochastic gradient descent updating procedure, changing the weights of your model based on how incorrect your model predictions are. When you train for long periods of time, the parameters should reflect a decrease in loss, giving you an overall increase in accuracy.

Interestingly, the type of transformer heads will change slightly based on the different types of pretraining objectives you’re using. For example, a normal self-attention block uses information from both the left- and right-hand sides of a token to predict it. This is to provide the most informative contextual information for the prediction and is useful in masked language modeling. In practice, the self-attention heads are stacked to operate on full matrices of embeddings, giving us multi-head attention. Casual language modeling, however, uses a different type of attention head: masked self-attention. This limits the scope of predictive information to only the left-hand side of the matrix, forcing the model to learn a left-to-right procedure. This is in contrast to the more traditional self-attention, which has access to both the left and right sides of the sequence to make predictions.

Most of the time, in practice, and certainly throughout this book, you won’t need to code any transformers or self-attention heads from scratch. Through this book, we will, however, be diving into many model architectures, so it’s helpful to have this conceptual knowledge as a base.

From an intuitive perspective, what you’ll need to understand about transformers and self-attention is fewfold:

  • The transformer itself is a model entirely built upon a self-attention function: The self-attention function takes a set of inputs, such as embeddings, and performs mathematical operations to combine these. When combined with token (word or subword) masking, the model can effectively learn how significant certain parts of the embeddings, or the sequence, are to the other parts. This is the meaning of self-attention; the model is trying to understand which parts of the input dataset are most relevant to the other parts.
  • Transformers perform exceedingly well using sequences: Most of the benchmarks they’ve blown past in recent years are from NLP, for a good reason. The pretraining objectives for these include token masking and sequence completion, both of which rely on not just individual data points but the stringing of them together, and their combination. This is good news for those of you who already work with sequential data and an interesting challenge for those who don’t.
  • Transformers operate very well at large scales: The underlying attention head is easily parallelizable, which gives it a strong leg-up in reference to other candidate sequence-based neural network architectures such as RNNs, including Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) based networks. The self-attention head can be set to trainable in the case of pretraining, or untrainable in the case of fine-tuning. When attempting to actually train the self-attention heads, as we’ll do throughout this book, the best performance you’ll see is when the transformers are applied on large datasets. How large they need to be, and what trade-offs you can make when electing to fine-tune or pretrain, is the subject of future chapters.

Transformers are not the only means of pretraining. As we’ll see throughout the next section, there are many different types of models, particularly in vision and multimodal cases, which can deliver state-of-the-art performance.