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Android Studio 4.0 Development Essentials - Kotlin Edition

By : Neil Smyth
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Android Studio 4.0 Development Essentials - Kotlin Edition

By: Neil Smyth

Overview of this book

Kotlin as an Android-compatible programming language is becoming increasingly popular. Fully updated for Android Studio 4.0, this book will teach you the skills necessary to develop Android-based applications using Kotlin. Starting with the basics, this book outlines the steps necessary to set up Android development and testing environments, and goes on to introduce you to programming in Kotlin. You’ll practice Java to Kotlin code conversion and explore data types, operators, expressions, loops, functions, as well as the basics of OOP in Kotlin. You’ll then learn about Android architecture components and advanced topics, such as intents, touchscreen handling, gesture recognition, multi-window support integration, and biometric authentication. As you make progress, you’ll explore Android Studio 4.0’s key features, including layout editor, direct reply notifications, and dynamic delivery. You’ll also delve into Android Jetpack and create a sample app project using ViewModel, the Android Jetpack component. Finally, you will upload your app to Google Play Console and model the build process using Gradle. By the end of this Android book, you’ll be fully prepared to develop applications using Android Studio 4.0 and Kotlin.
Table of Contents (97 chapters)

18.1 Find View by ID and Synthetic Properties

As outlined in the chapter entitled “The Anatomy of an Android Application”, all of the resources that make up an application are compiled into a class named R. Amongst those resources are those that define layouts. Within the R class is a subclass named layout, which contains the layout resources, including the views that make up the user interface. Most apps will need to implement interaction between the code and these views, for example when reading the value entered into the EditText view or changing the content displayed on a TextView.

Over the years, a number of different approaches to referencing layout views have been introduced. The oldest option involves writing code to manually find a view based on its id via a method named findViewById(). For example:

val myTextView: TextView = findViewById(

With the reference obtained, the properties of the view can then be accessed. For example:
