Since we want four identical turrets in each corner of the arena, they're a perfect case for a prefab, which we can create with the following steps:
Again, I haven't included any precise barrier position, rotation, or scale values because I want you to get up close and personal with the Unity editor tools.
Going forward, when you see a task ahead of you that doesn't include specific position, rotation, or scale values, I'm expecting you to learn by doing.
Going forward, when you see a task ahead of you that doesn't include specific position, rotation, or scale values, I'm expecting you to learn by doing.
- Create an empty parent object inside Environment by selecting Create | Create Empty and naming it Barrier_01.
- Create two Cube primitives from the Create menu, positioning and scaling them as a v-shaped base.
- Create two more Cube primitives and place them on the ends of the turret base:
- Create a new folder in the Project panel and name it Prefabs. Then, drag Barrier_01 into it:
Barrier_01, and all its child objects, is now...